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November 3, 2015
Can America Afford Not Having A National Health Service?
Paul Craig Roberts (former Asst, Secretary of the Treasury under President Reagan)
Below is an interview of a medical doctor, Irene Aguilar, who is a member of the
Colorado state legislature, by Nathan Schneider of Yes Magazine. Members of the
state legislature have proposed a Colorado state universal health care plan that is
under the control of the people. Given the US Constitution’s guarantee of the “right to
life” and the cost of modern medical technology, universal health care funded from
taxation is the only possible solution.
Obamacare was the right-wing Republican and private insurance company way of
sabotaging universal health care.
Obamacare doesn’t work for anyone. For the poorest Americans who cannot afford
even the subsidized premiums and are forced into the Medicaid part of Obamacare, if
these Americans own a home, the home can be taken to cover their medical costs.
Once again, it is set up so that the poor suffer most.
Who loves Obamacare are the shills for the insurance companies. These shills raise
feminist cheers for coverage of abortion and female contraception. The single good
thing about Obamacare is the inability of the private insurance companies to cancel
the coverage of those with high-cost treatments.
For those Americans who are forced by the tax penalty to subscribe to Obamacare,
many cannot afford to use the policy because of the high deductibles and co-pays.
Those Americans who still have employer-paid health care are now subject to their
health care being taxed as income if the plans fall under the rubric of “Cadillac health
care plans.”
Clearly, what the corrupt Obama regime did was to allow private insurance companies
to make profits at the expense of affordable health care.
In America the profits of the few always come before the welfare of the many.
Over the course of my lifetime I have watched the cost of medical care, whether
insured or not, completely wreck the finances of families, often without saving the life
of the threatened family member.
Americans have suffered greatly as a result of the conservative view of medicine that
only private practice works. Anyone who has lived in a civilized European country
knows that that is a lie.
Americans have suffered tremendously under the propaganda that a national health
service means that you are placed on a waiting list for critical operations until you are
It is true that in America you can get an operation immediately if you can pay cash.
For the One Percent health care is no problem.
October 31, 2015
Colorado Pushes for Universal Health Care
by Nathan Schneider
First pot, now health. In November 2012, Colorado voters approved a ballot initiative
that made recreational use of marijuana legal, despite a federal ban. In November of
next year, the state will have the opportunity to lead the way again–this time, by opting
out of Obamacare and replacing it with ColoradoCare, a universal health care system
governed by those who rely on it. Proponents presented far more than the requisite
99,000 signatures required to put the initiative on the 2016 ballot in Denver today,
though they must be verified in the coming weeks.
ColoradoCare proposes a model that covers every Colorado resident. A tax on
income and employers would replace insurance premiums, but the revenue wouldn’t
be subject to the whims of legislators; instead, it would go directly to a fund overseen
by trustees whom the recipients choose. In this respect, it would be a cooperative-like
system accountable to everyone in the state, independent from the rest of the
government and enshrined in the constitution.
Proponents argue that ColoradoCare will mean better, more accountable care at a
lower cost. Opponents, including the Koch brothers-funded Advancing Colorado, say
it will be the Obamacare rollout on steroids. But by combining conservative irritation
with the Affordable Care Act with liberal ambition toward universal coverage, it may
actually have a chance in a purple state like Colorado.
Colorado, also, has a history of building practical, cooperative infrastructure. When
energy companies failed to bring power to the state’s rural areas quickly enough,
communities set up electricity co-ops to power themselves. Credit unions are plentiful.
Cooperative business models accommodate both community-mindedness and the
state’s libertarian streak.
Irene Aguilar, a physician and state senator, is the chief architect of ColoradoCare’s
unique cooperative approach and one of its leading spokespeople. I sat down with her
at an ice cream shop in Louisville, Colorado, to learn more.
Nathan Schneider: What brought you from medical practice to the state legislature?
Irene Aguilar: I was appalled to see how much we were spending on health care. I
often think of one woman in particular who was about 42 and working as a secretary
when she first saw me. Every year I’d drag her in to write her prescriptions, and she’d
say, “I can’t really afford these.” Because of this, her numbers showed that she was
not doing very well at managing her disease. By about 50 she had renal failure, and
she qualified for Medicare. I couldn’t help her take her medicines, and soon we were
paying $70,000 a year to give her dialysis. Because she was on dialysis three days a
week, guess what–she couldn’t keep her job, and she ended up on Medicaid. This
was a woman who had been working. She went on, in her 50s, to have heart disease,
and she had a leg amputated, and at 60 she was dead. That is the real human cost of
the backward way in which we deal with our health care system.
It was so much more expensive to pay for her to get dialysis, to get all those heart
procedures, to lose her leg, and to be on welfare than it would have been if we kept
her on her diabetes medicines at the age of 42 and let her control her disease. It’s
possible to have an alternative that is both fiscally conservative and socially just; it
would be win-win in my mind.
Schneider: How did you start to entertain the possibility of an alternative like
Aguilar: I worked for 28-years-plus at Denver Health, a county hospital, doing primary-
care internal medicine. In 2007, Colorado had something called the 208 Blue Ribbon
Commission for Healthcare Reform. The four plans it considered included a single-
payer health care plan, and the commissioners created subgroups to consider how
the plans would impact certain populations. Since my daughter was disabled, I applied
to be on the vulnerable populations task force. We learned that if we adopted the
single-payer plan we could have everyone covered and decrease spending by $1.6
billion a year.
Not knowing anything about politics, I assumed that of course the commissioners
would pick that one–and then quickly found out how much money there is in health
care and how many self-interested individuals were in that pot. I began learning more
about the political aspects of this that I needed to be more aware of. In 2009 we tried
to run a single-payer bill through the legislature, but the governor managed to kill it. I
ran for office in 2010 in order to concentrate on this. Our setbacks gave me
motivation to listen to the feedback and see we could to modify this and make it more
consistent with Colorado values.
Schneider: How did the initial proposal begin to evolve into ColoradoCare?
Aguilar: In 2009, Atul Gawande published an article in The New Yorker called “The
Cost Conundrum.” He profiled the impressive health outcomes in Grand Junction,
Colorado, alongside those of McAllen, Texas. I went and visited with people in Grand
Junction to learn more about what they were doing differently. There, [insurance
company] Rocky Mountain Health Plans collected all the payments and paid providers
the same, no matter who the individual patient’s payer was. They paid them about 80
percent on fee-for-service and kept about 20 percent to be given on a reward basis
based on quality of care and patient satisfaction. Unlike my experience as a provider,
providers there did not have a disincentive against seeing certain people because of
the insurance they had. ColoradoCare is sort of a blend of Rocky Mountain Health
Plans and single-payer.
Schneider: A lot of people seem afraid of entrusting health care to the government–
“death panels” and so forth. Does the Rocky Mountain model get around that?
Aguilar: Rocky Mountain Health Plans, at the end of the day, is still an insurer. In
ColoradoCare, we’re all putting our money in, so in some ways it’s a cooperative. But
it’s different from a cooperative because you don’t have to put money in if you don’t
have a lot of money. The pure cooperative people tell us to stop calling it a
cooperative, both because it’s mandatory and everybody doesn’t pay the same. But
we like to call it a cooperative because the board is accountable to and elected by the
people in the state.
Schneider: Tell me about where that money comes from.
Aguilar: You collect the funds through a premium tax–a 6.6 percent employer tax
across the board and a 3.3 percent individual tax. If you’re self-employed, it’s the
whole 10 percent, but because it’s tax deductible it ends up being less than that. The
funds are collected through our taxes, but they’re transferred into a separate
authority that is run by its own elected board of directors.
Schneider: What does that revenue buy?
Aguilar: We had a fiscal analysis done by Gerald Friedman, an economist at UMass,
Amherst. He anticipated that with the Affordable Care Act, health care would be about
19.4 percent of the gross state product, and if we were to switch to this model, it would
be closer to 15 percent. By Obamacare standards, the level of care would be the very
top–Platinum Plus–covering 90 percent of your total health costs. We added in no
copay for primary care and low copayments that the primary-care provider can waive
if necessary to prevent longer-term costs. We also had it priced for everyone in state,
regardless of documentation status, under the knowledge that we would not be
turning people away for emergency care, so it made more sense to have up-front
preventative care available for all the people who lived in the state. Vermont’s single-
payer policy imploded because it was way too expensive for them. It’s a small state.
But we have the numbers.
Schneider: Do you think Colorado’s more conservative voters will go for it?
Aguilar: There are people in the legislature, primarily Republicans, who focus on what
is and what is not government’s responsibility. They really don’t want health care to be
government’s responsibility. But I was invited to present the initiative in Glenwood
Springs on the Western Slope, which is historically pretty conservative. I ate at a cafe
there where all the waitresses carry guns. I was impressed, though, with how well
people in small communities like that understand how the current system works
against them. Our rural areas have significantly higher rates for their plans and lower
benefits. When somebody in those communities is sick and can’t get the care they
need, it’s somebody people know. They asked me a lot of questions, and they
seemed to like my answers. I didn’t sense any hostility.
Schneider: What will the strategy be for passing this initiative?
Aguilar: I think it will be really important to involve doctors and nurses, making
information available in their offices and ensuring that they know enough about it to
answer a few basic questions or refer patients elsewhere. Of course, there are people
who make billions of dollars off of our dysfunctional system, and they will spend
millions of dollars trying to convince medical professionals that this will be more
harmful to them than what they have right now.
Schneider: Do you know who those opponents are yet?
Aguilar: I would expect Big Pharma and for-profit hospital systems–maybe all hospital
systems. It’s hard to tell the for-profit from the nonprofit these days. People often ask
about what happens to insurance companies. I answer, “What happened to vinyl
record companies?” It varies. An HMO like Kaiser could continue to exist because they
would get a monthly payment–it just wouldn’t be from an employer, it would be from
this premium tax. An insurer like Rocky Mountain could continue to be an
administrator for the system.
I actually had a lobbying breakfast with United Healthcare. They said to me that when
Vermont passed its plan, they spoke to the governor about wanting to be the
administrator for the Vermont health plan. So I don’t think that insurers would go
away, but they’ll have a different kind of role, because there is still fiscal management
to be done, just as with Medicare. Estimates suggest that this kind of plan will create
more jobs in the health care industry in terms of delivering service, but it’s a shift in
what kind of jobs provided. The overall savings also means a certain amount of extra
income that’s available in the economy to do things other than health care.
Schneider: What do you think the chances are that this plan will actually pass?
Aguilar: Colorado is usually seen as a leader, as a state that is trying to do the right
thing. I think there’s sort of a sense that it wouldn’t be unusual for a state like
Colorado to try and do something new, since we’ve been so proactive in other ways. I
give it at least 50-50, and the optimist in me gives it 52-48.
There’s this documentary that was done for PBS by T.R. Reid, who is part of our
coalition, called Sick Around the World. In one scene, he’s talking with a former
president of Switzerland, and she talks about how in 1994 they passed universal
health care by a narrow margin. There were many people who were so angry that
they said they were going to leave the country. Ten years later, there were very few
people who were not thrilled with the program. Knowing what I do about health care, I
can’t help but hope that it will be the same in Colorado. There will be people who put
up a big fight, and when we beat them by the hair on our chinney chin chin they’ll be
furious. But in 10 years we’ll all be grateful we took that step.
Nathan Schneider wrote this article for YES! Magazine. Nathan is the author of, most
recently, Thank You, Anarchy: Notes from the Occupy Apocalypse. Follow his work on
Twitter@nathanairplane and on his website,